DAVE LACROIX - Drums, Vocals

Self taught as a left-handed drummer when I was 7, I would beat on my parents furniture with my home-made drumsticks wrapped in tin foil for that "cool rock" effect. Listening to bands like Rush and Led Zeppelin, I learned how to be powerful but with finesse and found it natural to play and sing which I also love to do.

My parents bought me my first set of drums when I was 9, a 1970 set of Stewarts which I played with until I could afford a HUGE set of Tama's at age 20. Being in many bands all my life, I realized that many venues don't have the room for a Neil Peart sized drumset so I put them aside and bought my Pearl set which I currently use, passing down my Tama's to my son who is quite the drummer himself.

Playing for 35+ years, I plan on playing until my hands and feet won't let me play "no more."

ROGER GIBNER - Guitar, Vocals

Roger is a lucky guy, as “working stiffs” go. Blessed with a great family, and good friends Dave and Karl that have enough tolerance to endure his wanderings as he explores the never ending road of music.

Semi–technical, compulsively juvenile, and hopelessly in ‘lust’ with his guitars, he's currently serving a life sentence to the six stringed masters.

Arguably grounded, and driven to please.

KARL RIGELHOF - Bass, Vocals

Musician, Composer, Lyricist, Poet, Writer, Bassist, Guitarist, Singer, Videographer, Director, Producer, Audio Engineer, 3D Animator, Graphic Artist, Web Designer/Developer, Computer Geek/Guru, Father, Brother, Son, Uncle, Nephew, Cousin, Lover, and All Around Nice Guy!

Influences are too many, but here's a few for a start: The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Cream, Rush, Kansas, Yes, Genesis, Kiss, Stanley Clarke, Judas Priest, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, BTO, Frank Zappa, ELP, Van Halen, Styx, Scorpions, Aerosmith, Saga, Supertramp, Max Webster, etc.