Move your mouse over each band member's tarot card to reveal their fortune

(or lack thereof)


Vocals, Percussion, Keyboards

The High Priestess

is intuition. She holds a scroll titled TARO which represents the Greater Law, the Secret Law, or Written Law. Partially covered to show some things are implied and some are spoken. The High Priestess sits between the two pillars Jachin (white) and Boaz (black) of the Temple of Solomon. When this Tarot card comes up in a reading the Querent may need to take a moment to see how they feel. Don’t take the situation at face value but try to see what lies beneath, trust your own intuition.


Vocals, Percussion, Keyboards

"I am a singer / songwriter / recording engineer. I've been very lucky in all my music related endeavours. During the time I was still in school learning the craft of engineering/prodution, I was able to assist one of my instructors, Karen Kane (who's worked with Tracey Chapman, Janis Ian, Barenaked Ladies). She's a great educator and even more amazing behind the console and a blast to work with!"

"After graduating from 'Some School of Audio Engineering' it was my good fortune to be mentored by world renowned producer/engineer Nick Blagona (Tea Party, Cat Stevens, Deep Purple, George Harrison, Tom Jones), I was quick to pick up on exclusive tricks of the trade that might set me apart from other engineers. I have had the priviledge of working with many fantastic musicians including singer/songwriter Dan Hill (who wrote songs for Celine Dion, Brittney Spears, 98 Degrees, & Alan Jackson - to name but a few). I've had extensive vocal training with Elaine Overholt who recently appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres show."


Bass, Vocals

The Fool

stands at the edge of a cliff yet looks as if he has no worries. Ready to take a leap, perhaps a leap of faith. He holds a flower to show his appreciation for beauty. The dog at his feet can show his animal instincts or nipping at his ankles, a reminder of reality. The Fool acts on insight and intuition disregarding any logic. When this Tarot card is present the Querent is living for today. New beginnings. Maybe they are beginning their path to enlightenment.


Bass, Vocals

Musician, Composer, Lyricist, Poet, Writer, Bassist, Guitarist, Singer, Videographer, Director, Producer, Audio Engineer, 3D Animator, Graphic Artist, Web Designer/Developer, Computer Geek/Guru, Father, Brother, Son, Uncle, Nephew, Cousin, Lover, and All Around Nice Guy!

Toured throughout Southern Ontario with: Fragile, Rags, Midnight, Gold Coast, Paradox, Manchester, The Downboys, Kaos, Tardigrada, Random Motion, Lifeline, The Procrastinators, Robin Morrison Band, Wild Life, Ilse Themen Band, North of 7, The Brock Bottoms, The Genuines, Group Therapy, as well as recording, rehearsing, jamming, and not hitting the road with a plethora of others.

Influences are too many, but here's a few for a start: The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Cream, Rush, Kansas, Yes, Genesis, Kiss, Stanley Clarke, Judas Priest, Pink Floyd, Deep Purple, BTO, Frank Zappa, ELP, Van Halen, Styx, Scorpions, Aerosmith, Saga, Supertramp, Max Webster, etc.


Drums, Percussion

The Hierophant

or The High Priest, Spiritual father, or the Pope (a specific case of the general office The Hierophant symbolizes). He holds his right hand high with two fingers pointing up and two fingers pointing down, the blessing, forming a bridge between Heaven and Earth. The keys at his feet have been referenced as the keys to Heaven. This may be a time to listen to conventional wisdom. Be patient. Follow your traditions and moral ethics.


Drums, Percussion

Carl, aka "the Bear", the newest addition to The Genuines roster, is a native of Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania. He started playing the drums in 1975 at the age of 11. By age 13, still a long way from the legal drinking age, he was performing live in clubs throughout Northeastern Pennsylvania. During the next 5 years and several roster changes his bands Destroyer, Amber and Caliber covered many of the popular rock songs of the day with a few of their own tunes worked into the set list. One of these songs, a story about the loss of two local boys in a terrible car crash was played by the band to an estimated 1 million people during a live television performance in support of a children's charity. The performance generated thousands of dollars in pledges and the band was asked to do an encore performance later in the evening with equally staggering results.

After this musical highlight, Carl took leave of the music industry to serve in the US Marines for 9 years. Those 9 years turned into a 25 year hiatus from performing. Although the music stayed with him in his soul, life had a way of getting in the way of what he really wanted to do: perform. Throughout the last few years, Carl had returned to his drum kit to join Karl in The Genuines and is now honored to be performing with the fine musicians of City Gypsy.


Lead Electric & Acoustic Guitars

The Magician

is a youthful figure, dressed in white and covered by a red robe. The infinity symbol above his head is the sign of the Holy Spirit and of life. He is wearing a belt made of a serpent appearing to devour its own tail. This is the symbol of eternity and especially the eternity of attainment in the spirit. His right hand raises his wand toward heaven while his left hand points toward the earth. A gesture showing the magician’s ability to bring heaven and earth together or to say he has the possession of the Powers and Gifts of the Spirit. The four suits are laid out on the table symbolizing the four elements – Earth, Air, Water, and Fire – and the empowerment we feel when bringing all of our energies together. The Magician Tarot card may represent the skills, talents, and resources available to the querent and their potential to use them. He may also represent the time is right for new things and opportunities.


Lead Electric & Acoustic Guitars

Bob is a veteran of the Montreal and Toronto music scenes.



The Emperor

is a crowned figured seated at the throne. He is the authority and executive providing leadership and a sound footing to the qualities of the Fool, the Magician, the High Priestess, and the Empress. A marriage between the Empress is implied however, not precisely representative. He is lordship of thought, sitting on the intellectual throne. Masculine or father.



Krazy Keyboardist to join soon!



The Hermit

The Capuchin, Sage. The Hermit is a man of age holding a lantern high, showing the idea of the Ancient of Days with the Light of the World (a Star) in his lantern. Often said to be in search of Truth located far off, and of justice which has preceded him on the way (Court do Gebelin), however, this is not a card of a quest but more of attainment (achievement, realization). The Hermit is a patient teacher. He has knowledge of this world and the world after.



Passionate Percussionist to join soon!


Fortitude (a cardinal virtue). A lady holds the mouth of a lion shut (some versions she is forcing it open), showing no fear, as a symbol of strength. The woman more specifically symbolizes organic force, moral force, and the principle of all force, as apposed to physical. This card symbolizes the confidence of those who find strength and refuge in God. She like The Magician has the symbol of life above her head.

The Empress

is mother, a creator, nurturing and caring for others. This card is sometimes connected with the ideas of universal fertility and the realization of inspiration. This can be of life, business, art, or any other desire. Her diadem (crown) has twelve stars corresponding to the year. She sits within a field showing her power over nature and growing things.

The Last Judgment

depicts an angel sounding his trumpet and the dead arise, hence the gray tint. Most prominent is that of the triad, father, mother, and child. The figures are resurrected still in their natural body for their last judgment. This resurrection being part of the eternal life, also mentioned in fourteenth Tarot card, Temperance. Death is the end and the resurrection the start of something new, so signifies this Tarot card. This could be a change in position, a promotion, of home location but is more of a planned or expected change. You have an opportunity to look back on this and make judgment. Was it bad, favorable, did you learn anything, should you repeat it?


Represents one of four cardinal virtues, [Justice, Fortitude, Prudence, and Temperance] three of which are clearly represented in the Major Arcana. The fourth virtue, Prudence, can not be found in the Major Arcana although Court de Gebelin argued it was the Hanged Man. Waite felt that in some aspects The Hermit could be considered a figure of Prudence. The seated figure is said to be Astræa. She holds the scales of Justice.


A winged angel, bearing the sign of the sun on his forehead. His chest bears the square and triangle of the Septenary, seven principles of man. The essences of life (water) are being poured from chalice to chalice. He harmonizes the psychic and material natures. This Tarot card represents patience, to take things slow or just going with the flow. Take things in moderation. Things have come to a compromise or are peaceful.

The Chariot

An erect figure riding a chariot with his sword drawn. Waite accepted the variation of Eliphas Levi (a French occult author) and therefore the chariot is pulled by two sphinxes in Waite’s interpretation. The Chariot is conquest in all circumstances – science, progress, and above all things triumph in the mind. When this card is present in a reading the Querent is going after success with aggression. They have already made their decision and are ready to follow through.

The Lovers

The great winged figure, Cupid, is of love beginning. The Tree of Life, bearing twelve fruits, is behind the man. The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is behind the woman. This is the card of human love, the truth and the life. The figures suggest youth, virginity, innocence, and love before being contaminated by materialistic desires.

The Moon

is increasing on the right side of the observer, the side of Mercy. The Moon has 32 rays, 16 major and 16 minor. The path up the center is the path into the unknown. The dog and wolf symbolize the fears of the natural mind (illusions) when in the presence of moonlight or that of reflected light. Also the animal nature of humans as represented by the dog, the wolf, and the creatures coming out of the depths. Waite points out as a rule this will sink back into the depths. The face of The Moon appears calm and tranquil as it gazes upon the unrest below, spreading its influence to the earth through the lunar dew, tears of Isis. Be still, let a calm come to the animal nature and perhaps the fears from the abyss will remain in the abyss. This Tarot card represents the life of your imagination (apart from life of the Spirit) in the form of illusions, phobias and fears. These are strong emotions, dreams, of confusion. If you can channel this imagination (energy) it may beneficial in your other pursuits of art, business, etc.

The Star

has eight rays surrounded by seven smaller stars also having eight rays. The large star is often said to the Star of Hope and provides inspiration. The woman figure is youthful and full of beauty pouring the Water of Life into the sea and onto land as if she is renewing them. This Tarot card is quite often associated with Hope yet Waite seems to find this cheap. He provides that the card is of immortality and interior light or subconscious. Truth unveiled, undying beauty. If your intuition feels inspiration and hope when The Star appears in a Tarot spread the Querent will need to act on this to bring the dreams to reality.

The Sun

shines, with prominent rays, onto a naked child riding a white horse as he displays a red banner. The child is happy in a simple sense as typical of young children. He bears the seal of Nature and of Art, in innocence, signifying the restored world. The red banner is the unraveling of destiny. The card signifies the journey from the manifest light of this world, sun of earth, to the light of the world to come, typified by the heart of a child. The sun’s light is direct ans is that of consciousness in the spirit, in contrast to The Moon’s reflected light. The four sunflowers represent the 4 Qabalistic worlds and the 4 kingdoms of nature. This Tarot card represents a childlike sense of simplicity and/or innocence in the sense of wisdom. It could be quite literal with the birth of a child or simply the presence of fun and happiness in a youthful nature. Success is on the way. The sun shines on your life providing warmth and enlightenment.

The Tower

is burning, just struck by lightening, as two people are falling. The Tower may be the Tower of Babel, built by man to reach the Heaven destroyed by God. With the exception of the downfall of Adam, which Waite disagrees, there is little mention of who the two figures falling are. The Tower Tarot card has numerous meanings attached to it, often change, usually on the harsher side. This is a downfall of the mind, of intellect.

The World

The Universe, or Time. We see again the four living creatures of the Apocalypse. They are grouped around a garland as if a chain of flowers intended to symbolize all sensible things. Within the garland is a woman figure dancing with a wand in her hand. It is an image of the swirl of the sensitive life, of joy attained in the body, and the soul’s intoxication in the earthly paradise. This garland has been connected to the Absolute and the realization of great work, others it is the reward of a life that has been spent well. You are coming to the end of a project in which will give you pride in its accomplishment. Successful conclusion of a trip, project, etc.

The Wheel of Fortune

or Wheel of Chance symbolizes from beginning to end. The four corners depict the four Living Creatures of Ezekiel with open books. The serpent descending on left and the red creature ascending on the right are that of Typhon and Anubis, respectively. In the outer ring of the wheel four of the symbols spell “TARO” the other four represent the four elements Earth, Air, Water, and Fire.

The Death Tarot

card symbolizes change, transformation and passage from lower to higher. In earlier Tarot decks this card was often a reaping skeleton. Waite felt that an apocalyptic vision was a better representation. The horseman moves slowly, carrying a black flag embossed with a Mystic Rose, a symbol of life. The sun shining between two pillars on the horizon signifies immortality. The King, child, and maiden fall before him while the prelate awaits his end. This card does represent death, however, this is in the sense of a situation, relationship, job etc. Many stages of life require a change to move to the next level. These changes will often be difficult.

The Devil

A figure with wings like a bat, with the The Horned Goat of Mendes as his head, and with feet like the claws of a bird. His left hand is holding a flaming torch pointed toward the earth and his right hand extended upward showing opposite of that of the benediction as given by the Hierophant. Chained to the pedestal on which the winged figure is perched is a male and female. They correspond to those in the fifth card, the Hierophant, as if Adam and Eve after their fall. The results of a material life. Although the two are currently bound, the figure at the alter is only a bondsman, and chains can be broken. You need to break free to move on. Look for your own devils, materialism, addictions, etc. You may be bound by obligations to others or by your own thoughts. Prior to the influence of Eliphas Levi in 1856 this figure was standing, wearing a head-dress, and held a scepter in his right hand terminating with a sign that is thought to represent fire. In the Le Tarot Divinatoire of Papus version the two demons are humans, male and female, and are chained together.

The Hanged Man

hangs from a tree which forms a Tau cross, his legs form a fylfot cross, and he has a circle of light about his head. Three points of interest, he has an expression of deep entrancement on his face and does not appear to be suffering, the tree he is hanging from is alive, with leaves, and the figure suggests life in suspension, and not death. In one aspect this cards shows a relation between the Divine and the Universe. The card signifies sacrifice before moving forward. Perhaps something (mental, spiritual, etc) needs to be let go. Look at a problem from a different view and struggling is most likely not the answer.

Ace of Pentacles

As with all the Ace cards a hand reaches through a cloud and in this case holds the pentacle or coin. The Ace of Pentacles is a card of a new beginnings and a firm foundation, a Tarot card of prosperity and comfortable material conditions. As with all pentacle cards it holds close to the financial side such as a new job, financial opportunity, or business partnership. This could be disguised as a new relationship that could bring prosperity.

King of Pentacles

A figure sits at a throne embossed with numerous bulls’ heads. He sits in the courtyard of his large estate representing his abundance. His face suggests courage.

Queen of Pentacles

A female figure sits on a throne decorated with bulls’ heads matching that of the King of Pentacles. She wears white and red and holds a pentacle with care as if it were a child. Being seated outside in a natural setting is suggestive of a love of nature. The border of roses is similar to that of the Magician.

Knight of Pentacles

He rides a large, hard-working, and enduring horse matching his own personality, a personality of slower yet steady and persistent forward motion. The Knight is moving through his well-thought out plan toward his goal. The pentacle is on display.

Page of Pentacles

A young scholarly looking figure studies the pentacle that lightly hovers in his hands. He takes the time to study and learn practical topics and the skills needed to proceed. Standing in the pasture of rolling hills shows he enjoys nature and the outdoors. The Page of Pentacles can also represent news often concerning money, a job, or course of study. He carefully studies.

King of Swords

The King sits in judgment while holding his sword, the sign of his suit. He is experienced and logical and may represent careers of logic and advice – lawyer, engineer, political, medicine, teaching, among others.

Queen of Swords

The Queen sits in profile with her feet on the ground and her head above the clouds. Her sword held vertical in one hand, and her left-hand extended suggesting she is familiar with sorrow. She is intelligent, solitary and a symbol of power. The Queen of Swords is patient, clear and quick thinking, well organized, and a bit of a perfectionist. She would do well in business, politics, accounting, editorial, and related professions.

Knight of Swords

The Knight of Swords is racing forward with his sword drawn. Everything in this card shows speed. The racehorse he rides (in contrast to the Knight of Pentacles - Plan and Execute having a horse with the stature of a Clydesdale), the jagged clouds in the distance, to the trees blowing in the wind. This knight appears rash and foolhardy however he is skilled and knowledgeable. His quick actions are a result of experience, needing little conscious thought. Can signify death (not always of a person) when in proximity to other cards of fatality.